Friday 18 January 2013

A sax in the snow

You may remember that a while ago I ordered a black Gunne Sax dress from Etsy. It arrived just after Christmas but I didn't get around to taking pictures of it until yesterday.

I brought it because of the lace collar (my lace addiction is a serious problem right?) and it's potential for use in Dolly Kei style ensembles, but when I woke up and saw the snow I knew I had to take pictures, and thought it'd keep the outfit simple and warm-ish! I was only outside for 2 minutes and that was enough!

I even persuaded Ash to be my photographer! So a big thank you to him. Unfortunately I had a hard time standing up/walking in the snow which was so deep it covered my Docs right up to my frilly boot covers, so this is the only non-blurry picture!

I was really happy because I'd just found out that my brother's wife gave birth to my second nephew last night!

He was born at 10:01 pm on 17th January, weighing 7 pounds and 15 ounces =]

They have called him Lucas Karim Wall.

This makes me extra happy because I helped them pick the name. My brother is a huge Star Wars fan, as is my older nephew Logan (Ahmed Wall, he is the LAW!), so I said you should name him Luke as a joke! I think Lucas will have his name shortened to Luca though not Luke, which I think is a nicer name anyway! Also avoids the Luke Wall sounding like Luke Warm issue =P We're considerate in our family!

So now I have a nephew named after Star Wars to go with my nephew named after Wolverine =P (my brother denies that's why they chose the name, but they chose it after watching X-Men so he's lying =P)

Expect pictures when I can go and meet him - hopefully next week!
(advance apologies for me going all mushy - I'm reallllly not maternal or broody but my nephews manage to overcome this and make me coo like a mother hen anyway)


  1. Love that dress! I've always been a sucker for a black dress with a lace collar. I may have even had a few Laura Ashley dresses that looked like yours, back in the day. As a matter of fact, they might still be in the basement!! ;o)

    Congrats on your new newphew! Luca and Logan - very nice names ... :D

    1. If you still have them you should did them out! Laura Ashley used to do really cute dresses!

      Thanks, I'm such a proud auntie!

  2. The lace on the dress is so pretty :)

  3. Your new dress is reallly pretty, the lace is gorgeous!
    Congrats to your new nephew! I'm not into Star Wars but the name Lucas is really nice, even though it is being a bit over-used here in Germany at the moment.
    I DO love Wolverine and the X-Men in general though so I applaude your brother and his wife, they have chosen an amazing name for their first born and Lucas sounds really nice along with Logan :)

    1. Thank you!

      I love X-Men so I was really happy about it too. I'm not much of a star wars fan either (maybe it's a boy thing =P?) I do like hoew their names sound together too =]

  4. I adore gunne saxe! I hope to have one of my own someday! You look so gorgeous!

    I nominated you for an inspiring blogger award:

    1. Check out Etsy, there are some really good deals on Gunne Sax - just as case of waiting for the colour and size you want to come along!

      Thank you for nominating me =]

  5. The collar on that dress is incredible! Congratulations on the new nephew. Lucas is a great name and it flows well with Logan.
    I also nominated you for the same award as Laura did above me!! Double nominations haha good job =)

    1. Thank you =] I can't believe I got nominated twice! Still trying to find 5 odd facts about myself that I haven't already shared with the blogosphere =P!

  6. That dress is just gorgeous!

  7. I love the dress, and what a lovely snowy picture! G x
