Monday, 16 December 2013

Black, Blue and Bats

I'm sorry I've been away for so long, life keeps getting in the way of blogging!

I've been meaning to post this picture for a while.

Taken by Elisabeth at the late Halloween meet up for the midlands lolitas, in front of St Martin's church in the Bullring. Funnily enough, I used to work in the tea shop here! I didn't get to wear nice clothes around the place then! They did let me lock the front door of the church sometimes though, with a giant iron key the length of my forearm =]. This picture was taken before Andie ran across to help me straighten out the chiffon underskirt on my dress; it was tucked up into my petticoats =S

What I'm Wearing:
Underbust JSK: Surface Spell £45 via lolita sales on fb. The blue bow came with the JSK.
Blouse: RQ-BL from Sai Sai in Camden £32
Bag: Living Dead Souls, originally had a large red bow which I removed years ago, I added the felt bat and sequin stars to match the JSK. The bag is a bit of a 'lace monster' but I thought that was appropriate for a halloween meet! My mum brought me this bag because I didn't have a handbag for my Brother's wedding in 2007.
Tights: It's very hard to see but I was wearing blue tights under black star print ones. The blue tights were a gift, and the star ones were from Primark.
Boots: New Look £29.99
Hat: I know it doesn't show in this photo but I had blue roses on he back of my hat (also came with the JSK) and lots of black lace.
Coat: It's new. I brought it off a friend for £20, because I was the only person with small enough boobs to get it buttoned up! Supposed to be a size 10 but really isn't.

As an apology for being away I'll be posting cute cat photos soon, so watch this space!


  1. That jumperskirt looks great on you! I love when electric blue and black are put together-- the result is always very striking! :)

    1. Thank you =] I really do love blue and black together, I'd love to own some Moitie in those colours one day!

  2. You're going to have to come up with a new name for your style ... Gothita? Loligoth? Maybe there already is such a thing? Anyways, the outfit is fantastic! :o)

    And might I say, rather embarrassingly, that my eye was drawn first to those lovely hinges on the door. I ordered our new front door hardware from the UK, and we could have gotten a lock with a skeleton key. The spouse said he didn't want to carry something that big (not as long as your forearm, mind!) in his jeans pocket. Too bad - that would have been cool. LOL

    1. Gothic Lolita. :) It's a thing!

    2. LOL, no kidding akumaxkami? I'm pretty uninformed about fashion genres obviously! :D

    3. Yup Gothic Lolita is a big thing, it's the origins of lolita fashion; what is now called 'oldschool lolita' was originally called EGL 'elegant gothic lolita'.

      I love the door, can't wait to see the one you have ordered for your cottage! A skeleton key would have been cool, but I do see how they are impractical!!

  3. Great outfit! I love all black outfits that feature a bright colour, the blue is great.

    1. Thank you! I think blue and black is my new favourite colour combination!
