Saturday 2 November 2013

Monthly Theme: Sweaters!

Or as we call them in the UK; jumpers!

I love to snuggle up in a cosy jumper at this time of year; especially at work where my office is freezing cold!

With that in mind I popped into Primark last week to get myself another jumper for work. I didn't expect to find them stocking a range of Halloween clothes! I brought these 2 jumpers, a t-shirt with bats on it and some skeleton socks =]

The bat patches are made from faux leather and the jumper is nice and warm =] My hair looks dreadful in this picture because I ran out of my good conditioner on that day and so it's acting up, I do apologise! I don't like the turtle neck with this outfit either, but I was going to a bonfire party and wanted my neck to be warm! Next time I'm going to wear it with a peter pan collar =]

What I'm wearing:
Bat Jumper: Primark £14
Black Skirts: River Island via clothes swap and New Look
Leggings: H&M £7.99

I took a worn picture of the second jumper before work one day but it was too blurry and I didn't notice until this morning, so here's a very quick snap of it on the bed!

The ghost part is very fluffy and soft! It has tiny sequins on it too, and whilst I'm not a huge fan of sparkle I think it's quite a cute touch so I'm leaving them on for now! This one was £14 too.

Of course a jumper is for life, not just for Halloween =P These will both be a part of my wardrobe all winter =]

Thanks to Sophistique Noir for such a fun monthly theme!


  1. omg omg omg bat jumper! And even better the bats are pleather! eeeee! screams, faints!

    I grew up calling them jumpers too, perhaps because my dad is from an English background.

    I soooooo know what you mean about wanting your neck to be warm. I need to keep my neck warm in winter, it seems to be the first place the colds settle. I don't care if that is not scientific, that is just the way it seems!

    The ghost jumper is cute too.

    1. Hehe, they are great bats =]

      That's cool, I think jumpers is a great word =]

      I used to always get tonsillitis when I was younger so I'm always a bit worried about catching a cold.

      Ghostie jumper =D

  2. That little ghostie on the second jumper looks like a 'real' ghost thanks to the fluffs of the yarn :D It looks like it could leave the garment and go haunting.

    1. Hehe, I hope he's a friendly ghost then, like Casper!

  3. Cute sweaters! I would definitely buy the bat sweater and the scull tights :)

    1. Thank you! I was very lucky to go into Primark that day!

  4. Aww, your jumpers are adorable :)

  5. They're adorable, especially the fluffy ghost! :)

  6. I love how your paired simple new-goth items like the sweater and the tights with a goth skirt (which I loved <3 lace <3!). Too bad I can't see your shoes XD!

  7. These are both too cute. The bat one would be adorable with a peter pan collar!!

    I hear you about the freezing cold office. I love winter now because I have to wear a sweater at work anyway, and when it's cold outside at least it makes more sense. ;)

    1. So glad you agree =]

      Finally someone understands the trials of a cold office! I'm going to have to buy myself a heater this year!
