Saturday 24 November 2012

A very large parcel!

So this is what 500 tiny jiffy bags looks like...

And for scale, this is me attempting to carry the parcel:

Getting that up the stairs was fun =P
It's sitting on my bedroom floor and I've not unwrapped it because I have no idea where to put one, let alone 5 boxes of 100 bags. I might just throw some pretty fabric over it and pretend it's a table =P


  1. Ohhhh wow! I never thought 500 jiffy bags would be so huge! wow!

  2. That`s amazing, but I remember when a pub/restaurant I worked at ordered the Christmas Crackers and the delivery filled the store room, staff room and the managers bedsit room !!

    1. Hahaha! At least they knew the crackers were going to get used up. I have no idea what I'll do with all of these!

  3. What the... How can 500 jiffy bags take so much space? Poor you! I hope you sell loads of chokers so they make up for the trouble you had with those bags!

    1. It was my own fault for clicking 500 instead of 50! I hope I sell lots of chokers too though!
