Wednesday 8 August 2012

Little House on the Prairie

I promised you all these pictures a long time ago and I'm sorry for the delay. They were taken my my lovely friend Pip, and she's been super busy so she only just edited them for me.

I got this dress from a vintage shop a long time ago, it was a complete bargain, but never wore it because I wanted to add lace trim and black ribbon to it. I don't feel that cream suits my complexion very well; because I have a yellow undertone to my skin. I hoped that the black border would prevent this effect; I'm not sure how well it worked though! I hand stitched all the trim, which was a mistake because the skirt needed 7m of lace! It doesn't look big enough to have edges that long!

The dress made me want to run around the park and frolic in a meadow, so here I am!

What I'm wearing:
Vintage Dress: Well actually it was originally a theatrical costume so I have no idea how old it is; 10 quid in Top Banana (my local vintage shop)
Cape: Phaze. I got it in a tattoo parlour/alternative store when I was on Holiday in Weymouth 2007. I think it was 20 quid.
Victorian boots: Schuh many years ago. They are the most expensive shoes I own, but also the best 80 quid I ever spent.
Parasol: Vintage. 17th birthday present from my mum.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog for the rest of this week; I've got some big deadlines with my uni work. So if you don't hear from me it's because I'm up to my eyeballs in books about dead things again!


  1. *_* This is beautiful! This outfit and the setting make me think of a picture taken in the end of the 19th century. And don't worry about cream, this dress fits you perfectly :)

    1. =]that's totally the look I was going for. I'm a secret Victorian =P

    2. You know, I hadn't read the title of this post and the first thing that came to my mind was exactly "Little House on the Prairie", so you totally got the look! ^^

  2. That's a beautiful outfit. You look great :-)

  3. The black lace is the perfect touch - completely worth however long it took you to hand-sew it on! ;o)

    1. Many hours, but I agree it was worth it. I kept underestimating how much I would need and having to buy more though =P

  4. You look gorgeous! I think that black bake really really evens out the colour, keeps it dark and matches it so well! Love, love, love it!

    I just want to steel this whole outfit from you. Hehe!

    1. Aww thank you, please don't try to steal my clothes. I can't run away very fast in those shoes!

  5. Lovely outfit! the lace trimmings made the clothes look more complete.
