Thursday 16 August 2012

Project uber-frill complete

I have finished the top I started altering earlier in the week.

First I did the second shoulder and lace around the neckline.
Then I  gathered the shoulders so it wouldn't keep slipping and added buttons, purely for decoration. I also added a ton more lace; this time to the bottom of the top.

Finally I had to solve the issue of it being rather too wide. My first two plans failed to materialise (I couldn't find eyelet tape, or even a tool for setting the eyelets myself) so the solution was actually my 3rd idea, but I love the way it turned out.

(Please excuse my hair; I plaited it at 8 o'clock this morning and then just left it... busy working and sewing and my utter lack of make-up, it's been one of those days!)

The holes for the lacing are actually the strip of buttonholes from 2 kids school shirts! I brought age 5-6 because that was the largest size available on the 2 for 3 quid offer and luckily they are just long enough =]. I zip zagged the raw edge but left it looking frayed because I quite like the effect.

I am going away this weekend, to visit my mum in Filey so I won't have internet access again until Monday. Have a good weekend everyone and please let me know what you think of my t-shirt alteration attempt!


  1. It looks amazing - pretty sure your friends are all going to want one now!!

    1. Thanks. If they do, they'll have to put in an order quick whilst the shops are still full of cheap school shirts!

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  3. It's very cute, really like the result =)

  4. This turned out great and I love the sleeves. They're so adorable.

    1. Thank you! I think the sleeves might be my favourite part =]

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  6. I have an oversized men's button-down shirt I was thinking of doing something similar to the back, in addition to making pick-ups in the back as sort of a bustle...but I'm scared to death to cut into the shirt! How did you sew the strip of button holes onto the t-shirt? I guess I should just do it, as it's not like I can actually wear the shirt - LOL!

    1. I attached the strips of button holes using the zig zag stitch on my sewing machine so that it would not fray too much.

      Your plan for a men's button-down shirt sounds really cool. If you do use alter it will you send me a picture?
